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Paul Will’s story is a unique look at God’s redemptive power.

Born to a teenage mother, his biological father died tragically in a boating accident before he was born. Growing up fatherless, misguided and broken with a struggling single parent, eventually lead to a life of substance abuse, heroin addiction and criminal behavior. The culmination of bad choices and sinful behavior lead to being incarcerated for life without the chance of parole at Angola Prison in Louisiana. Thankfully, this was just the beginning of God’s story in Paul’s life.

Through God’s grace and mercy, during his incarceration Paul became a formally educated pastor earning three degrees including a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He also founded the first fully constituted Southern Baptist Church inside the walls of a prison in Southern Baptist history.


Paul has been preaching about the goodness of God, since 2001 after he heard the Good News for the first time inside a prison cell. He was duly ordained in 2014 and was inspired to found Grace Baptist Church inside the walls of the prison. Paul served as Founding Pastor and Grace Baptist went on to become the first, fully constituted Southern Baptist Church inside the walls of a prison in history. Grace Baptist continues to thrive at Angola as a healthy, giving and worshipful congregation. Today, Paul is invited to share his story all over the United States. 


Paul’s podcast Word Matters is dedicated to teaching people to discover their true identity as a son or daughter of the Living God. It was this knowledge that transformed Paul’s life, so it is his life work to make much of Jesus. The Word Matters podcast is currently available on Spotify.


Word Matters Podcast


After years of torment and aloneness, Paul finally understood God to be his Father. One who is loving, kind, deserving of admiration, respect, honor and praise. Paul has come to understand how to experience the Father’s love in a very personal way. In turn, he feels that everyone deserves freedom at the core of their humanity that is found only in Jesus Christ. 

Upon his release from prison in December of 2020, Paul continues to share the goodness of God in order to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.